Friday, February 4, 2011

Asom Sahitya Sobha - Rong Bong Teron

Here you can read the presidential address by  Rong Bong Teron in  the open session of Asom Sahitya Sobha.
May I initiate a discussion on, if this lecture is enough to win over the all the linguistic groups of the state? I can understand, what he has said about literary works of smaller tribes like Bodo , Karbis. They might have, no other way to get exposure if they do not use Assamese Language as medium of their literary works. But, being a state of diverse culture and demography it's not true for all. Bengali, and Hindi writers have no such problem. Rather they will always be interested to be identified with greater Bengali and Hindi readers.
  One agree or not, it's also reality that Assamese is not communicating language in the whole state. It's only a Brahmaputra Valley Reality. In Dimaraji,( NC Hill)  though people know Assamese and Bengali well, they prefer to use Hindi as communicating language. In Barak Valley it's Sylheti dialects of Bengali. If a body like Asom Sahity Sabha does overlook these reality, it will only isolate itself from these parts of the state.Any Barak Vally reader can understand that honorable president's lecture has nothing to do with that part of the valley.

Asam Sahitya Sabha always invites well known Bengali writers in their bi-annual session. This time they have invited famous Bengali poet Alok Rn Dasgupta. But, is it enough to wow the local Bengali population, for which The present President has tried his best? I think not. The Bengali of the state have rich cultural and literary heritage . These writers and workers works for Assamese literature as well. Two of the state's most repurted writers have already earned Sahitya Academi awards for translating Assamese text in Bengali. They want due recognition as well . But, it appears that the Sabha still hagitate to recognize their existence.
Read the lecture here:

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